Monday, October 15, 2012

Sadly, End of an Era

Right up front, I must admit I was never a huge Arlen Specter fan. I found the Single Bullet Theory implausible and his overall public persona a bit too cartoonish. But as his years in the U.S. Senate continued to pass, I began to appreciate him. And not because of who he was, but because of who he wasn't.

As Sen. Specter's tenure grew, the country's political environment became more polarized and, eventually, toxically divisive. That made him stand out more and more. Because Sen. Specter didn't change. He was a moderate. And not a moderate for moderation's sake. That was simply the way he was.

In a challenging era that would seem to demand level-headed practicality, you would think someone like Arlen Specter would be most valuable. Instead, he was kicked to the curb as extremists controlled public discourse over the issues of the day. And now, he's gone forever.

It would be easy to say he will be missed. The sad fact is, he was missed before he was gone.

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