Thursday, November 15, 2012

Finally, A Break From Politics

Well, mostly.

This week's edition is out and our cover story takes a look at the changing supermarket business in our region. The biggest chains dominate of course, but it's amazing that two high-end chains with a very small physical footprint easily crack the top 10 in terms of sales. Definitely a dynamic market.

Pleased to say that Brian Farnham, the founding editor-in-chief of Patch [AOL's hyperlocal news experiment with more than three dozen sites in Philadelphia's Pennsylvania suburbs], shares some wisdom on how being a leader means tackling tasks you don't like and how gummy bears can get you through it. Good stuff.

Lots of other good reading, of course, and we're looking at some really intriguing content to close out the year and some exciting ideas for early 2013. Stick with us, folks. It's only going to get more interesting.

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