On the upside, this will give the 24-hour cable news stations a different angle to discuss on their endless stream of talking head shows. Instead of the semantics of a stump speech or the latest one-tenth of a percentage point change in a poll of likely Montana swing voters, they can obsess and convulse over the debates.
In the end, though, that's really all the debates are good for - a televised diversion.
The Democrats are approaching them in a frenzy, seeing an opportunity to seal a November victory. On the other hand, the Republicans are frothing at their collective mouths, ready to vault Mitt Romney into the lead, building the momentum needed to capture the White House.
Before investing too much time watching the debates or listening to, watching or reading too much analysis of the debates, read this smart commentary by Franklin & Marshall political observers G. Terry Madonna & Michael L.Young. Then find yourself a good movie to watch or a book to read and wait for the merciful end to one of the most painful presidential election seasons ever.
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